The Pumpkin spice Paro-smoothie brings you comfort and health thanks to its ingredients that contain antiseptic properties that protect your mouth from bacteria! Thus, it is rich in calcium and vitamin A that help you solidify your teeth and your jaws. What more could we ask for?


  • (1 cup) cooked pumpkin
  • (1 cup) milk
  • (1/2 cup) plain greek yogurt
  • (1/2 cup) unsweet applesauce
  • (1 tsp) cinnamon
  • (1 tsp) nutmeg
  • (1 tsp) fresh ginger
  • (1 tsp) coconut oil
  • 1 pinch of jamaican pepper (Allspice)

Meal option

Add the following ingredients to obtain a replacement meal:

  • poudre de protéines (petit lait, lactosérum ou végétale) d’une équivalence de 10g de protéines ou ½ tasse (125 ml) de yogourt grec
  • 125 ml (½ tasse) de lait
  • 125 ml ( ½ tasse) de compote de pomme sans sucre ajouté
  • 250 ml (1 tasse) de citrouille cuite
  • 1c. à thé (5 ml) d’huile de noix de coco

Vegan option

Replace the milk by soya milk and plain greek yogurt by tofu !


In a blender, purée all the ingredients until smooth.

Collation Repas
Énergie kcal 185 402
Gras g 3 9
Cholestérol mg 18 30
Sodium mg 144 235
Glucides g 22 51
Sucres g 15 37
Fibres g 2 4
Protéines g 19 34


All our smoothie recipes have been  approuved by Claudine Larivière, Dietitian-Nutritionist.